Size matters 🍆 Wrap with Woodie

Size matters 🍆 Wrap with Woodie

So, how big is it? The paper sheet, I mean. I get asked this a lot, and I completely understand. When shopping online, it is difficult to gauge an item's size and feel. 

The next question is usually, can I wrap X with one sheet? How many sheets do I need?

All Woodies sheet sizes are available on the product page. A standard Woodies sheet is 700mm x 500mm, similar to a page A1 size.

To put this into context, I am holding up a sheet in the below image, and with some ordinary household items. One sheet will easily wrap a board game, many items of jewellery, two or three novels or a shoe box. 

woodie holding wrapping paper sheet for size context
Its big.
woodies paper with size context who gives a crap and catan boardgame

Woodies sheet with toilet paper, Catan board game and some jute string. 

When gifts start getting larger, you may need two sheets. For example a kitchen appliance or a pot plant stand.

To show you all how it works, I am wrapping up a Tasmanian cookbook "Winter Wild" as a gift. This book is huge, and I mean it is a tome, over 4kg. Much larger than your average cookbook. But definitely a beauty. 

Using a full sheet of the Prawn Christmas paper and the Woodies gummed paper tape that comes with your order. 

  1.  Fold the paper into the middle of the gift and secure with the gummed paper tape. (Spoiler alert: I will explain how to use the paper tape in the next blog). 
  2. Using the bed-sheet-corner-tuck method, fold each end neatly and up to join the back of the gift, again secure with the gummed paper tape.
  3. Finish off with jute twine, or some other plastic free alternative.


fold paper to wrap with woodies
cut out gummed paper tape woodies
fold woodies paper to wrap present
jute twine string wrap woodies paper

Your gift is now extra special, it is good for the planet and you can sleep easy knowing that the paper can be reused or recycled, and no plastic was used, phew. 


finished wrapping woodies with prawn christmas paper
Shop the Woodies Christmas range here.
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